Notes by Country and Location

Countries with notes entered (11)
Germany Germany - 5300 (98,4 %)
Ireland Ireland - 20 (0,4 %)
Spain Spain - 16 (0,3 %)
Netherlands Netherlands - 15 (0,3 %)
Greece Greece - 13 (0,2 %)
Austria Austria - 11 (0,2 %)
United Kingdom United Kingdom - 5 (0,1 %)
Denmark Denmark - 3 (0,1 %)
France France - 1 (0,0 %)
Italy Italy - 1 (0,0 %)
Luxembourg Luxembourg - 1 (0,0 %)

Number of notes by location (122)

Austria Austria
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Austria Wien110,2   Wien11

Denmark Denmark
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Denmark Nysted20,0   Guldborg1
 2 Denmark Guldborg10,0   Nysted2

France France
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 France Communay10,0   Communay1

Germany Germany
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Germany Hamburg247646,0   Ahrensburg3
 2 Germany Kassel210539,1   Alsfeld2
 3 Germany Vellmar1031,9   Alt duvenstedt1
 4 Germany Baunatal911,7   Bacharach2
 5 Germany Gudensberg861,6   Bad Soden-Salmünster6
 6 Germany Hofgeismar671,2   Barsbüttel5
 7 Germany Berlin270,5   Baunatal91
 8 Germany Hann. Münden270,5   Beberbeck2
 9 Germany Wolfsburg260,5   Berlin27
 10 Germany Hannover170,3   Bienstädt1
 11 Germany Göttingen160,3   Birstein3
 12 Germany Oberursel140,3   Bispingen8
 13 Germany Frankfurt110,2   Bockenem2
 14 Germany Bispingen80,1   Borken2
 15 Germany Hemer80,1   Braunschweig1
 16 Germany Rostock80,1   Breitenfelde2
 17 Germany Scheeßel80,1   Bremen4
 18 Germany Hamburg-bergedorf70,1   Brokenlande1
 19 Germany Paderborn70,1   Buchholz3
 20 Germany Seesen70,1   Dortmund5
 21 Germany Bad Soden-Salmünster60,1   Empfingen1
 22 Germany Fuldabrück60,1   Erding1
 23 Germany Hann. münden60,1   Eschwege2
 24 Germany Rheine60,1   Espenau1
 25 Germany Barsbüttel50,1   Frankfurt11
 26 Germany Dortmund50,1   Fuldabrück6
 27 Germany Holdorf50,1   Graal-müritz2
 28 Germany Wietzendorf50,1   Großhansdorf1
 29 Germany Bremen40,1   Grünberg2
 30 Germany Habichtswald-Ehlen40,1   Gudensberg86
 31 Germany Hildesheim40,1   Göttingen16
 32 Germany Ilsfeld40,1   Habichtswald2
 33 Germany Kiel40,1   Habichtswald-Ehlen4
 34 Germany Niestetal-heiligenrode40,1   Hahn-flughafen2
 35 Germany Nordheim40,1   Hamburg2476
 36 Germany Northeim40,1   Hamburg-bergedorf7
 37 Germany Soest40,1   Hamburg-boberg1
 38 Germany Würzburg40,1   Handewitt2
 39 Germany Ahrensburg30,1   Hann. Münden27
 40 Germany Birstein30,1   Hann. münden6
 41 Germany Buchholz30,1   Hannover17
 42 Germany Hilchenbach30,1   Hemer8
 43 Germany Iserlohn30,1   Herbolzheim1
 44 Germany Marburg30,1   Herford2
 45 Germany Norderstedt30,1   Hilchenbach3
 46 Germany Rhüden30,1   Hildesheim4
 47 Germany Schwarmstedt30,1   Hofgeismar67
 48 Germany Wedel30,1   Hofheim1
 49 Germany Werne30,1   Hohen neuendorf1
 50 Germany Alsfeld20,0   Holdorf5
 51 Germany Bacharach20,0   Homberg1
 52 Germany Beberbeck20,0   Ilsfeld4
 53 Germany Bockenem20,0   Iserlohn3
 54 Germany Borken20,0   Kalbach1
 55 Germany Breitenfelde20,0   Kassel2105
 56 Germany Eschwege20,0   Kassle1
 57 Germany Graal-müritz20,0   Kehrig1
 58 Germany Grünberg20,0   Kiel4
 59 Germany Habichtswald20,0   Knüllwald1
 60 Germany Hahn-flughafen20,0   Lohfelden2
 61 Germany Handewitt20,0   Marburg3
 62 Germany Herford20,0   Melle1
 63 Germany Lohfelden20,0   Neuhof1
 64 Germany Ratzeburg20,0   Niestetal-heiligenrode4
 65 Germany Schellerten20,0   Norderstedt3
 66 Germany Singen20,0   Nordheim4
 67 Germany Wittenburg20,0   Northeim4
 68 Germany Alt duvenstedt10,0   Ober-mörlen1
 69 Germany Bienstädt10,0   Oberursel14
 70 Germany Braunschweig10,0   Paderborn7
 71 Germany Brokenlande10,0   Ratzeburg2
 72 Germany Empfingen10,0   Rheine6
 73 Germany Erding10,0   Rhüden3
 74 Germany Espenau10,0   Rostock8
 75 Germany Großhansdorf10,0   Salzgitter1
 76 Germany Hamburg-boberg10,0   Scheeßel8
 77 Germany Herbolzheim10,0   Schellerten2
 78 Germany Hofheim10,0   Schwarmstedt3
 79 Germany Hohen neuendorf10,0   Schwarzenbek1
 80 Germany Homberg10,0   Seesen7
 81 Germany Kalbach10,0   Seesen-Rhueden1
 82 Germany Kassle10,0   Singen2
 83 Germany Kehrig10,0   Soest4
 84 Germany Knüllwald10,0   Stuhr1
 85 Germany Melle10,0   Upahl1
 86 Germany Neuhof10,0   Vellmar103
 87 Germany Ober-mörlen10,0   Wedel3
 88 Germany Salzgitter10,0   Werne3
 89 Germany Schwarzenbek10,0   Westerlinde1
 90 Germany Seesen-Rhueden10,0   Wietzendorf5
 91 Germany Stuhr10,0   Wittenburg2
 92 Germany Upahl10,0   Wolfsburg26
 93 Germany Westerlinde10,0   Würzburg4
 94 Germany Würzburg-frauenland10,0   Würzburg-frauenland1
 95 Germany Zimmern ob rottweil10,0   Zimmern ob rottweil1

Greece Greece
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Greece Roda130,2   Roda13

Ireland Ireland
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Ireland Dublin60,1   Camp2
 2 Ireland Dingle40,1   Cork3
 3 Ireland Cork30,1   Dingle4
 4 Ireland Dublin-airport30,1   Dublin6
 5 Ireland Camp20,0   Dublin-airport3
 6 Ireland Killarney10,0   Killarney1
 7 Ireland Tralee10,0   Tralee1

Italy Italy
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Italy Rom10,0   Rom1

Luxembourg Luxembourg
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Luxembourg Berchem10,0   Berchem1

Netherlands Netherlands
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Netherlands Amsterdam70,1   Amsterdam7
 2 Netherlands Enschede60,1   Enschede6
 3 Netherlands Holten20,0   Holten2

Spain Spain
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 Spain Vic50,1   Abrera1
 2 Spain Barcelona40,1   Barcelona4
 3 Spain Manresa20,0   Caldes de montbui1
 4 Spain Abrera10,0   La jonquera1
 5 Spain Caldes de montbui10,0   Lloret de mar1
 6 Spain La jonquera10,0   Manresa2
 7 Spain Lloret de mar10,0   Moiâ1
 8 Spain Moiâ10,0   Vic5

United Kingdom United Kingdom
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesNameNotes
 1 United Kingdom Crawley30,1   Crawley3
 2 United Kingdom London20,0   London2

Bundesländer of Austria (1/9)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Austria notes
Austria Wien 110,2100,0

Gemeindebezirke of Vienna (2/23)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Austria notes
Austria 1. Innere Stadt 60,154,5
Austria 3. Landstraße 50,145,5

Regions of France (1/27)
NameNotes% of all notes% of France notes
France Rhône-Alpes 10,0100,0

Départements of France (1/101)
NameNotes% of all notes% of France notes
France 69 Rhône 10,0100,0

Bundesländer of Germany (13/16)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
Germany Baden-Württemberg 90,20,2
Germany Bayern**60,10,1
Germany Berlin 270,50,5
Germany Bremen 40,10,1
Germany Brandenburg 10,00,0
Germany Hamburg***246245,746,5
Germany Hessen**252546,947,6
Germany Mecklenburg-Vorpommern*130,20,2
Germany Niedersachsen**1562,92,9
Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen*410,80,8
Germany Rheinland-Pfalz*50,10,1
Germany Schleswig-Holstein**280,50,5
Germany Thüringen*10,00,0

Biggest Cities of Germany (6/20)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
Germany 01 Berlin 270,50,5
Germany 02 Hamburg***248146,146,8
Germany 05 Frankfurt am Main**110,20,2
Germany 07 Dortmund 50,10,1
Germany 10 Bremen 40,10,1
Germany 11 Hannover**170,30,3

Landkreise und Kreisfreie Städte of Germany (60/443)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
Baden-Württemberg (5/44)
Germany Landkreis Emmendingen (EM) 10,00,0
Germany Landkreis Freudenstadt (FDS) 10,00,0
Germany Landkreis Heilbronn (HN) 40,10,1
Germany Landkreis Konstanz (KN / BÜS) 20,00,0
Germany Landkreis Rottweil (RW) 10,00,0
Freistaat Bayern (2/96)
Germany Landkreis Erding (ED)*10,00,0
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Würzburg (WÜ)**50,10,1
Berlin (1/1)
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Berlin (B) 270,50,5
Brandenburg (1/18)
Germany Landkreis Oberhavel (OHV) 10,00,0
Freie Hansestadt Bremen (1/2)
Germany Freie Hansestadt Bremen (HB) 40,10,1
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (1/1)
Germany Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (HH)***248146,146,8
Hessen (13/27)
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Frankfurt am Main (F)**110,20,2
Germany Landkreis Fulda (FD)**20,00,0
Germany Landkreis Gießen (GI) 20,00,0
Germany Hochtaunuskreis (HG)*140,30,3
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Kassel (KS)**210639,139,7
Germany Landkreis Kassel (KS)**2825,25,3
Germany Main-Kinzig-Kreis (MKK)*90,20,2
Germany Main-Taunus-Kreis (MTK) 10,00,0
Germany Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf (MR)*30,10,1
Germany Schwalm-Eder-Kreis (HR)**901,71,7
Germany Vogelsbergkreis (VB) 20,00,0
Germany Werra-Meißner-Kreis (ESW) 20,00,0
Germany Wetteraukreis (FB) 10,00,0
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (4/18)
Germany Landkreis Bad Doberan (DBR)*20,00,0
Germany Landkreis Ludwigslust (LWL) 20,00,0
Germany Landkreis Nordwestmecklenburg (NWM)*10,00,0
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Rostock (HRO)*80,10,2
Niedersachsen (14/46)
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Braunschweig (BS) 10,00,0
Germany Landkreis Diepholz (DH) 10,00,0
Germany Landkreis Goslar (GS)**110,20,2
Germany Landkreis Göttingen (GÖ)*490,90,9
Germany Landkreis Region Hannover (H)**170,30,3
Germany Landkreis Hildesheim (HI)*80,10,2
Germany Landkreis Northeim (NOM)**80,10,2
Germany Landkreis Osnabrück (OS) 10,00,0
Germany Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme) (ROW)**80,10,2
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Salzgitter (SZ)*10,00,0
Germany Landkreis Soltau-Fallingbostel (SFA)**190,40,4
Germany Landkreis Vechta (VEC) 50,10,1
Germany Landkreis Wolfenbüttel (WF)*10,00,0
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Wolfsburg (WOB) 260,50,5
Nordrhein-Westfalen (8/54)
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Dortmund (DO) 50,10,1
Germany Landkreis Herford (HF) 20,00,0
Germany Märkischer Kreis (MK)*110,20,2
Germany Landkreis Paderborn (PB) 70,10,1
Germany Landkreis Siegen-Wittgenstein (SI) 30,10,1
Germany Landkreis Soest (SO) 40,10,1
Germany Landkreis Steinfurt (ST)*60,10,1
Germany Landkreis Unna (UN) 30,10,1
Rheinland-Pfalz (2/36)
Germany Landkreis Mainz-Bingen (MZ)*20,00,0
Germany Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz (MYK) 10,00,0
Schleswig-Holstein (7/15)
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt Kiel (KI) 40,10,1
Germany Landkreis Herzogtum Lauenburg (RZ)*50,10,1
Germany Landkreis Pinneberg (PI)*30,10,1
Germany Landkreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde (RD) 10,00,0
Germany Landkreis Schleswig-Flensburg (SL) 20,00,0
Germany Landkreis Segeberg (SE) 40,10,1
Germany Landkreis Stormarn (OD)**90,20,2
Freistaat Thüringen (1/23)
Germany Landkreis Gotha (GTH)*10,00,0

Counties of Ireland (3/26)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Ireland notes
Ireland Cork*30,115,0
Ireland Dublin*60,130,0
Ireland Kerry*80,140,0

Provinces of Ireland (2/4)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Ireland notes
Ireland Leinster*60,130,0
Ireland Munster*110,255,0

Regioni of Italy (1/20)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Italy notes
Italy Lazio*10,0100,0

Provinces of Italy (1/103)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Italy notes
Italy Roma*10,0100,0

Provinces of The Netherlands (2/12)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Netherlands notes
Netherlands Noord-Holland 70,146,7
Netherlands Overijssel*80,153,3

Biggest Cities in The Netherlands (2/20)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Netherlands notes
Netherlands 01 Amsterdam 70,146,7
Netherlands 14 Enschede*60,140,0

Nederlandse Gemeentes/Municipalities of the Netherlands (3/443)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Netherlands notes
Noord-Holland (1/61)
Netherlands Amsterdam 70,146,7
Overijssel (2/25)
Netherlands Enschede*60,140,0
Netherlands Rijssen-Holten 20,013,3

Autonomous Communities of Spain/Comunidades autónomas (1/17)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Spain notes
Spain Cataluña/Catalunya 160,3100,0

Provinces of Spain/Provincias de España (2/50)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Spain notes
Spain Barcelona 140,387,5
Spain Girona/Gerona 20,012,5

Generated 2007-07-22 17:54:34